Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Weekend update

Friday night we went out with a group from our church and watched the movie Courageous. I thought it was a great movie and I would recommend it if you are looking for something to watch. I cried through half of it however so I would also recommend waterproof mascara. No pictures of my outfit. boooooo

I had to work half day Saturday, and if I explained to you why and what I had to do I'm not sure you would believe me... also it could also get me fired if my boss ever found my blog and read how I really feel so I will spare you the details...
Jeff took Kylie rock crawling while I was gone and she apparently is not a fan. She did however kick booty at hiking the trail and watching all the other big trucks go over the big rocks so all in all it was a fun time for them. Good ole daddy-daughter time :)

TOP: old navy SKIRT: thrifted BELT: wet seal SHOES: guess
That is my husbys rock crawler I am posing next too. He built/designed it himself, and was even featured in a magazine for it... pretty cool huh?!

Sunday after church we took Kylie for a lunch date at taco bell (don't judge)and then out to the pumpkin patch. It was HOT out at the pumpkin patch folks. And expensive. But we had fun and made some memories so I guess you could say it was priceless.

She finally found a pumpkin she liked. Then she said "i'm ready go home" The girl knows what she wants in life.

My outfit:
Tank: Gap Outlet Skirt: Thrifted Belt: Wet Seal Flips: AE

Hope everyone had as great a weekend as we did (minus the work) and I hope this week is going well also. The weather here the past week has been awesome. Indian Summer maybe? I dunno but it sure is nice.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Me: Kylie you are mommy's best friend

Kylie: Ya

Me: Kylie is mommy your best friend?


Me: Hey Kylie is mommy your best friend?

Kylie: No

Me: No? Who is your best friend?

Kylie: Elmo

I should have known.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Do you guys remember the Friends episode where Rachel and Phoebe have the idea for the Relaxi-Taxi?


When I wear leggings I always think of that episode. Why? Well for some strange reason in my head I like to call leggings relaxi-pants which naturally makes me think of the Relaxi-taxi episode. Strange? Absolutly. But isn't that such a funny word to say? Relaxi-pants!

All that nonsense aside this is what I wore to watch Monday Night Football at our close friends house.... relaxi-pants and football...it's a beautiful thing.

Everything you see here is from Target. Except the belt which was thrifted and the necklace which is from Kohls.

Kylie wouldn't let me take her picture so I had to sneak one of her. Isn't she sweet with her little basket?

The great debate

Well guys I have been debating whether or not to post the pictures of the outfit I wore on Sunday. We took them in the bright sun, in a hurry because Jeff was headed out, and well, they just didn't turn out that great. I can tell we could use a better camera, and it would be great to find different locations other than our block and yard to do pictures, but beggars can't be choosers (at least that's what my dad always tells me) and right now I am a beggar. I apologize that these pictures are so bright and washed out, I promise I will get the kinks worked out eventually. I hope you will stick with me :)

Top: Target Skirt: Maurices Tights: ??? Boots: Old Navy Necklace: Forever21

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Looks can be deceiving

The sun may be shining very brightly in these pictures but don't let that fool you, it was cold today. And by cold I mean around 55 degrees, but you should know anything below 75 is cold to me. Also in all fairness it was in the 80s here last week, I just can't adjust that fast people.

Jacket: DKNY Sweater: American Eagle Tee: Target Shorts: American Eagle Tights: Target Boots: Target
Because the sun is so bright my tights looks white-ish but they are actually a light grey.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thrifty Business

This entire outfit today was brought to you by thrift stores around town. Except the braclets..which are from Gap Outlet and the necklace which is from Kohls.

And meet my little lady Kylie. Her outfit is also brought to you today by thrift stores around town..except the paci which she found in the street (kidding) and her beloved blankee which was given to her by someone who loves her very much (I just can't remember who)

It's Official

It's official, I am starting a style blog. I have been stalking...uh, I mean following..... a few amazing ladies here on the interweb for a while now who inspire me daily and I think it's now time for me to put myself out there and begin my own blog. I have a almost two year old daughter so my style (if I may call it that) has to be cheap, practical, easy, fun and hopefully pretty.
I so wanted to call my blog "On The Daily" but nixed that title when I remembered that
1. I want this to be a (mostly) style blog and I wear scrubs to work 4 days a week.
2. The days I do go to work, I'm not gonna lie, when I get home I put on sweats and lets face it, that isn't stylish
3. my husband, rightfully so, said it may just be too big of a title to live up too because it imply's I would be doing a daily posting.
So like a lot of things I think up in my head it was a good title, but just didn't work out in real life.
Today I finally came up with what to call my little blog so here is my first outfit picture..which is actually my outfit from last Sunday.

Here we go....

Jacket: J Crew thrifted Top: Old Navy Scarf: Thrifted Jeggings: American Eagle Shoes: Rocket Dog. Flower in my hair: Hobby Lobby

Oh yeah, did I mention that my zipper was down in every single one of my pictures and we didn't notice until later that night when we were downloading them? It really wasn't a surprise, something like that is pretty typical for me. I am always here for a good laugh. And yes I am 28 and I wear Jeggings.